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12.5mm Fractured Rock

Alberta Transportation Specifications Products

Alberta Transportation Specification sand, gravel, and rock are separated into designations and classes. The designation identifies which product can be used in the construction of highways and related infrastructure. The class determines the size of the product to be used. 

Designation 2-20 | Des. 2-20

20 mm (3/4") Base course aggregate

Designation 2-40 | Des. 2-40

40mm (1 1/4") Base course aggregate

Designation 4-25 | Des. 4-25

25mm (1") Gravel surfacing aggregate

Designation 5-10 | Des. 5-10

Sanding material

Designation 2-25 | Des. 2-25

25mm (1") Base course aggregate

Designation 4-20 | Des. 4-20

20mm *3/4") Gravel surfacing aggregate

Designation 4-40 | Des. 4-40

40mm (1 1/4") Gravel surfacing aggregate

Designation 6-80 | Des. 6-80

80mm pit run

12.5mm Fractured Rock
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