Railway Ballast & Sub-Ballast
Railways are vital pieces of infrastructure around the world. They carry thousands of tonnes across vast distances every day. When building something so important, it is crucial that the aggregate meets the specification. FT Aggregates builds railway ballast and sub-ballast for some of Canada’s largest railway contractors. by the customer's tender documents. These products are not interchangeable with aggregate material that does not meet specifications.
Arema Type 4 Ballast | Custom Built Ballast
Arema Type 4 Ballast is a specialty product manufactured by FT Aggregates.
CP Type 4 Ballast | CP Railway Ballast
CP Type 4 Ballast is a specialty product manufactured by FT Aggregates.
Railway Sub-Ballast | Custom Built Products
Specialty product manufactured by FT Aggregates.
CN Industrial Ballast | CN Railway Ballas
N Industrial Ballast is a specialty product manufactured by FT Aggregates.
CP Type 4.5 Ballast | CP Railway Ballast
CP Type 4.5 Ballast is a specialty product manufactured by FT Aggregates.